To know him .

If you want to know his  h e a r t ,
pay close attention
to what  a n g e r s  him.

If you want to know his  m i n d ,
listen for the words
that linger in his  s i l e n c e .

If you want to know his  s o u l ,
look at where his eyes are
when you catch him  s m i l i n g .

- Lang Leav

The butterfly effect .

Close your eyes
and think about that boy.
Tell me how he makes you  f e e l .
Let your mind trace over his tired shoulders.
Allow your  t h o u g h t s 
to  l i n g e r  on that beautiful smile.
Take a deep breath
and try to put those  d a r k  thoughts aside.
For once, let go of the  r e i n s 
you've wrapped so tightly around your heart.
I know you are  s c a r e d .
Who could blame you?
L o v e  is a hurricane wrappd inside a chrysalis.
And you are a girl
walking into the  s t o r m .

- Lang Leav

Someone like you .

Do you think
there is the  p o s s i b i l i t y  of you and I?
In this lifetime,
is that too much to  h o p e  for?

There is something so  d e l i c a t e
about this time,
so  f r a g i l e .

And if nothing ever comes of it,
at least I have known this feeling,
this wonderful sense of  o p t i m i s m .

It is something
I can always keep close to me -
to draw from in my  d a r k e s t  hour
like a ray of unspent  s u n s h i n e .

No matter what happens next,
I will always be glad to know
there is someone like you in the world.

- Lang Leav

Stardust .

If you came to me
with a   f a c e  I have not seen,
with a   n a m e  I have never heard,
I would still know you.
Even if centuries  s e p a r a t e d  us,
I would still  f e e l  you.

between the sand and the stardust
through every collapse and   c r e a t i o n ,
there is a   p u l s e  that echoes of you and I.

When we leave this world,
we give up all our possessions and our memories.
L o v e  is the only thing we take with us.

It is all we carry
from one  l i f e  to the next.

- Lang Leav

The one .

I don't want you to love me
because I'm  g o o d  for you,
because I say and do the right things
because I am everything
you have been looking for.

I want to be the one
you didn't see coming.
The one who gets under your  s k i n .

Who makes you  u n s t e a d y .
Who makes you question everything
you have ever  b e l i e v e d  about love.

I want to be the one
who makes you feel
r e c k l e s s  and out of control;
the one you are
infuriatingly and inexplicably drawn to.

I don't want to be the one
who tucks you into bed;

I want to be the  r e a s o n  why
you can't sleep at night.

- Lang Leav

Why she stayed.

He is a storm,
and storms  d e v a s t a t e ,
but every time he hurts you,
you hold your breath
and  b e a r  the hurricane;

repeating to yourself
one more  c h a n c e
one more breath
just one more, and you'll  f i x  him.

Until one day
you can't hold you breath anymore,
and you are half a stormy evening,
one tear-stained night,
two minutes and five seconds
away from  b r e a k i n g  down.

And you  r e a l i s e ,
you cannot fix anyone,
not until you fix  y o u r s e l f .

- Nikita Gill

Wounded .

A  b r u i s e  is tender
but does not last,
it leaves me as I always was.

But a wound I take
much more to  h e a r t ,
for a scar will always leave its mark.

And if you should ask me which you are,
my answer is -
you are a  s c a r .

- Lang Leav

lost .

She  l o s t  herself in the trees
among the ever-changing leaves.

She  w e p t  beneath the wild sky
as stars told stories of ancient times.

The flowers grew towards her light,
the river called her name at night.

She could not live an  o r d i n a r y  life
with the  m y s t e r i e s  of the universe
hidden in her eyes.

- Christy Ann Martine

93 percent stardust.

We have
calcium in our  b o n e s ,
iron in our  v e i n s ,
carbon in our  s o u l s ,
and nitrogen in our  b r a i n s .

93 percent stardust,
with souls made of flames,
we are all just  s t a r s
that have people names.

- Nikita Gill

The way damaged people love .

D a m a g e d  people love you
like you are a crime scene
before a crime has even been  c o m m i t t e d .

They keep their running shoes
besides their  s o u l s  every night,
one eye open
in case things  c h a n g e  whilst they sleep.

Their backs are always  t e n s e
as though waiting
to fight a sudden  s t o r m
that might engulf them.

Because damaged people have already seen  h e l l .

And damaged people  u n d e r s t a n d  that
every evil demon that exists down there
was once a kind  a n g e l  before it fell.

- Nikita Gill

A forest story .

There is an  e n t i r e  forest
full of the most incredible flowers,
plants and trees inside you,
and you are ignoring all of it
to nurture a  s i n g l e  tree
that they planted
inside your heart and  a b a n d o n e d .

The people who left you this way
don't  d e s e r v e 
o become your favourite stories to tell.

You are a   m a s s i v e  forest
full of beautiful and vibrant stories
and every single one of them
deserves you more
than those that abandoned you to  h e l l .

- Nikita Gill

People aren't homes .

Child, why did no one ever teach youthat you cannot turn people into  h o m e s ?

People are  r i v e r s ,ever  c h a n g i n g , ever flowing.
They will  d i s a p p e a rwith everything you put inside them.
your home does have a   h e a r t b e a t .But it isn't one  l o c k e din anyone else's chest.

Just look inside your own.

- Nikita Gill

The truth about monsters .

The truth is this,
every  m o n s t e r  you have met
or will ever meet,
was once a human being with a   s o u l
that was as  s o f t  and light as silk.

Someone  s t o l e  that silk from their soul
and turned them into this.

So when you see a monster next,
always remember this.
Do not  f e a r  the thing before you.
Fear the thing that  c r e a t e d  it instead.

- Nikita Gill

Wolf and flame .

The people who consider you  w e a k
have not yet noticed the  w o l f
hiding behind your eyes,
nor the  f l a m e s  inside your soul.

Let them think you are weak
and do what wolves and fire do best.
S u r p r i s e  them
when they least  e x p e c t  it.

- Nikita Gill

If he truly loves you .

If he truly loves you,
he will love you
when you are an ocean  b r e e z e ,
but also
when you are a summer  s t o r m .

You were not made
to be love in  p a r t s ,
you were meant
to be loved as a  w h o l e .

- Nikita Gill

In the end .

I was ready to give it all up -
 e v e r y t h i n g .

I was half out of my mind with  l o v e .

And I didn't think twice about
what I was throwing into the fire,
as long as I could  k e e p  it
burning for just another minute -
if only I was allowed to sit awhile long
beside its pale glow.

That was how I   l o v e d  you in the end.
With my body cold and shuddering.
With empty hands over  s m o l d e r i n g  ash,
counting out the minutes.

- Lang Leav

Stunning New Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

All the time .

Did you find your  e v e r  a f t e r ?
Is there somewhere you  b e l o n g ?
Is your world now filled with laughter?
Is there nothing for which you long?

Do you ever look behind you,
and wonder about what you see?
When the  m e m o r i e s  come to find you.
do you ever think of me?

Do you think that love can  l e s s e n ,
if you  p r e t e n d  it isn't there?

Do you ever, ever question,
what could have been if we  d a r e d ?

Are you happy to let it  l i n g e r ?
Does it never cross your mind?
The  w o r l d  that slipped through our fingers -

I think of it all the time.

- Lang Leav

Embroidered Landscapes and Plants by Ana Teresa Barboza textiles landscapes embroidery

(created by Ana Teresa Barboza)

Back to love .

I want to wrap my mouth
around yours, like a  w o r d
that sits on the tip of my tongue,
one I can't wait to say out loud.

I want to throw your name
from the edge of a cliff
and lose it in the great abyss,
to feel it swelling up like a   t i d e
in my mouth all over again.

I want to spill from my lips
like a rupture of  j o y , like a deluge
of rain across the weathered
landscape of my  s o u l , a rushing river
that carries me back to  l o v e ,
brings me back to  l i f e .

- Lang Leav

Stunning New Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

Her time .

She has been feeling it for awhile now -
that sense of  a w a k e n i n g .

There is a gentle  r a g e  simmering inside her,
and it is getting  s t r o n g e r  by the day.

She will hold it close to her -
she will  n u r t u r e  it and let it grow.
She won't let anyone take it away from her.
It is her rocket  f u e l  and finally,
she is going places.

She can feel it down to her very core -
this is her  t i m e .
She will not only climb mountains -
she will  m o v e  them too.

- Lang Leav

If all girls .

If all girls were taught

how to  l o v e  each other fiercely
instead of
how to  c o m p e t e  with each other
h a t e  their own bodies,

what a different
and  b e a u t i f u l  world
we would live in.

- Nikita Gill

Stunning New Portraits of Siamese Fighting Fish by Visarute Angkatavanich fish

Choose love .

My mother once said to me;
there are two kinds of men you'll meet.
The first will give you the life you want
and the second will give you the love you desire. 
If you're one of the lucky few,
you will find both in the one person.
But if you ever find yourself
having to choose between the two,
then always choose love.

- Lang Leav

Your ruins .

Nothing is worth
d e s t r o y i n g  yourself over,
but if you are going to
destroy yourself,
make sure
it is for something  s p e c t a c u l a r ,
make sure it is for yourself.

There is nothing worse
than ruining yourself for people
who aren't  w o r t h  it.

- Nikita Gill

Don't be beautiful .

They keep saying that
b e a u t i f u l
is something a girl needs to be.

But honestly?
F o r g e t  that.
Don't be beautiful.

Be angry, be intelligent, be witty,
be klutzy, be interesting, be funny,
be adventurous, be crazy, be talented -
there are an  e t e r n i t y  of other thing
to be other than beautiful.

And what is beautiful anyway
but a set of letters
strung together to make a word?

Be your own  d e f i n i t i o n  of amazing,
That is so much more  i m p o r t a n t
than anything beautiful, ever.

- Nikita Gill

proud .

You're so hard on yourself.

Take a   m o m e n t  .
Sit back.

M a r v e l   at your life:

at the   g r i e f
that softened you,
at the heartache
that  w i s e n e d   you,
at the suffering
that  s t r e n g t h e n e d  you.

Despite everything,
you still  g r o w .
Be   p r o u d  of this.

Don't go far off .

Don't go far off,
not even for a day,
because --
because --

I don't know how to say it:
a day is long
and I will be  w a i t i n g  for you,
as in an empty station
when the trains are parked off
somewhere else,  a s l e e p .

Don't  l e a v e  me,
even for an hour,
then the little drops of  a n g u i s h
will all run together,
the smoke that roams
looking for a home will drift into me,
choking my  l o s t  heart.

Oh, may your silhouette never dissolve on the beach;
may your eyelids never flutter into the empty distance.

Don't leave me for a second, my  d e a r e s t ,
because in that moment
you'll have gone so far
I'll  w a n d e r  mazily over all the earth,
Will you come back?
Will you leave me here,  d y i n g ?

- Pablo Neruda

I do not love you except because I love you;

I go from  l o v i n g
to not loving you,From  w a i t i n g  to not waiting for you

My  h e a r t  moves from cold to fire.

I love you
only because it's  y o u  the one I love; 

I hate you  d e e p l y , 
and hating you
bend to you,
and the measure of my changing love for youis that I do not see you
but love you  b l i n d l y .

Maybe January light will  c o n s u m eMy heart with its cruelRay, stealing my key to true calm.

In this part of the story I am the one whoD i e s , the only one,
and I will die of  l o v e  because I love you,

Because I love you,
Love, in fire and  b l o o d . 

- Pablo Neruda

In my sky at twilight .

In my sky at  t w i l i g h t
you are like a cloud
and your form and colour
are the way I  l o v e  them.

You are mine,  m i n e ,
woman with sweet lips
and in your life my  i n f i n i t e  dreams live.

The lamp of my soul dyes your feet,
the sour wine is  s w e e t e r  on your lips,
oh reaper of my evening song,
how solitary dreams believe you to be mine!

You are mine,  m i n e ,
I go shouting it to the afternoon's wind,
and the wind hauls on my widowed voice.

Huntress of the depth of my eyes,
your  p l u n d e r  stills your nocturnal regard
as though it were water.

You are  t a k e n
in the net of my music, my love,
and my nets of music are wide as the sky.

My  s o u l  is born
on the shore of your eyes of mourning.
In your eyes of mourning
 the land of  d r e a m s  begin.

- Pablo Neruda

I remember you as you were .

I remember you as you were
in the last  a u t u m n . 

You were the grey beret and the still heart.

In your eyes the flames of the  t w i l i g h t  fought on.
And the leaves fell in the water of your  s o u l .

Clasping my arms like a climbing plant
the leaves garnered your voice,
that was slow and at  p e a c e .

Bonfire of  a w e  in which my thirst was burning.
Sweet blue hyacinth twisted over my soul.

I feel your eyes traveling,
and the autumn is far off:

Grey beret, voice of a bird, heart like a house
Towards which my deep  l o n g i n g s  migrated
and my kisses fell, happy as embers.

Sky from a ship.
Field from the hills:

Your  m e m o r y  is made of light, of smoke, of a still pond!

Beyond your eyes, farther on,
the evenings were blazing.
Dry autumn leaves revolved in your soul. 

- Pablo Neruda

(photo courtesy of yuma1983)

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